Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To Strike or Not to Strike

Hey everybody. I've not been the most consistent blogger on this series of tubes we call the internet. Between getting ready for baby (for more on that amazing experience, check out my wife's blog @, making a dollar in this economy, and getting my movie off the ground, I've been lax in my blogging. But, I'm not one to look back in regret. I like to look ahead like those statues on the front of boats. So what's up with Honey in Hollywood? Well, I've been thinking a great deal about the potential SAG strike that is a cloud over this town. Before I dive in, let me update you on my movie/acting news.

No new bookings, sorry. But I changed commercial agents which I hope will be a big deal. Hopefully, the change will get me going again commercially because a good commercial is like money falling from the sky. Should this happen to you, turn your umbrella upside down and smile. In movie news, my producing partners and I have formally formed a production company and are in the process of assembling the team that will aid us in giving birth to this movie. We've already brought on some great people and the meetings we've been taking have been very encouraging. It's a bit early to start throwing around names and dates but, not to worry, I'm starting to have contractions. Amazing what a little capital can do.

So then, what about this strike? Well, first off, we haven't struck yet. SAG is going to vote on whether we should authorize a strike. So, as a good SAG member, I've been asking myself that very question, should we strike? My first reaction was, NO! HAVE YOU SEEN THE ECONOMY! But, I've begun to have a change of heart. Without diving too much into the history of SAG's terrible deals in the past (cable/DVD), I realized that enough is enough. We've been screwed by the Producers with the same line of crap in the past. They claim that they can't offer us residuals on New Media as they don't know if will be profitable. Well guess what guys, you're already making a killing on iTunes and, in 5 years, people are going to laugh about the good ol' days when we had separate TV, computer, and DVD player. And 10 years after that, I predict people will watch their favorite programs projected on their retina just by requesting them with their mind. New Media is the future and we need to get in on it now.

Those of you who know me know that when I get fired up about something, I try to get others to support my cause. My wife and I campaigned for Obama for almost a week in Nevada because it was important. Now, the struggle of a handful of actors pales in comparison to electing my man Obama, but it's still important. It's important enough for all of us to suffer for a few months even in this terrible economy. It's important enough that I wrote this blog, and you guys know how bad I've been about that.

Hope you all had a good Turkey Day. Mine was gravy.


Unknown said...

you go norma rae!

Anonymous said...

Not only do I agree with you, Ryan, but I'm highly suggestible.